You can find platypuses in the eastern parts of Australia in rivers or lakes. They create burrows which can be up to 100 feet in length. These burrows are made in the banks of the rivers or lakes and have 2 entrances.
Platypuses spend up to 17 hours a day in their burrows. Several of these hours are spent at the entrance, sunbathing and grooming their thick, dense fur.
Their habitats contain several predators such as the owls, snakes, eagles, crocodiles and foxes. These predators are finding it hard to find platypuses as platypuses are now being exposed to water polution and as a result is effecting the welfare of all animals.
Want a platypus to live in YOUR house? well unfortunately its against the law, but you could help work in a plattypus sanctuary http://www.platypusecotours.com.au/
I hope I didnt crush your hopes of owning a platypus. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more posts on the famous specimen, the platypus.
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